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CPD Modules

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Pharmacy CPD Modules

First prescriptions for lipid management

Welcome to our CPD module series for community pharmacy technicians. Written in conjunction with the Pharmacy Magazine CPD series, it will mirror the magazine’s programme throughout the year. The series has been designed for you to use as part of your continuing professional development. Reflective exercises have been included to help you put your learning into practice.

18 Jul 2024 , 10 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First CPD: Infected insect bites

The latest in our series of CPD modules designed to support pharmacists to manage common conditions and deliver England’s Pharmacy First service looks at dealing with infected insect bites.

17 Jul 2024 , 15 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First CPD: Impetigo

The latest in our series of CPD modules designed to support pharmacists to manage common conditions and deliver England’s new Pharmacy First service is useful for responding to adults and children over one year of age with impetigo.

18 Jun 2024 , 15 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First CPD: Acute otitis media

This is the latest in our series of CPD modules designed to support pharmacists to manage common conditions and deliver England’s new Pharmacy First service. It will be useful for community pharmacists responding to children and young adults with acute otitis media.

21 May 2024 , 20 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First CPD: Uncomplicated UTIs in women

This is the latest in our series of CPD modules designed to support pharmacists to manage common conditions and deliver England’s new Pharmacy First service. It will be useful for community pharmacists responding to women with uncomplicated urinary tract infections.

05 Apr 2024 , 20 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First Toolkit: Acute sinusitis

The Pharmacy First service in England allows community pharmacy teams to complete episodes of care for seven common conditions. This toolkit provides an overview of the clinical pathway and PGDs used to deliver consultations for acute sinusitis plus essential information on the assessment, diagnosis and management of this common condition.

02 Apr 2024 , 30 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First CPD: Acute sinusitis

This is the latest in our series of CPD modules designed to support pharmacists to manage common conditions and deliver England’s new Pharmacy First service. It will be useful for community pharmacists responding to patients 12 years and over with acute sinusitis.

01 Mar 2024 , 20 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First Toolkit: Sore throat

The Pharmacy First service in England allows community pharmacy teams to complete episodes of care for seven common conditions. This toolkit provides an overview of the clinical pathway and PGDs used to deliver consultations for acute sore throat plus essential information on the assessment, diagnosis and management of this common condition.

26 Feb 2024 , 30 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First Toolkit: Introduction

The Pharmacy First service became available from community pharmacies in England from January 31, 2024. It allows pharmacy teams to complete episodes of care including provision of advice and NHS funded treatment where appropriate for seven common conditions. Use this toolkit as your indispensable service implementation guide. Compiled by Patrick Grice.

17 Feb 2024 , 25 Min Module

Pharmacy CPD Modules

Pharmacy First: Practising good antimicrobial stewardship

There is recognition that community pharmacy teams have a key role to play in antimicrobial stewardship. Pharmacy First and similar schemes are intended to enable more completed episodes of care in pharmacies for specific common conditions, some of which will involve treatment decisions about antibiotics.

06 Feb 2024 , 15 Min Module


In Conversation


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First generic raltegravir medicines for HIV patients approved by MHRA

The MHRA has approved generic versions of raltegravir which reduce the amount of HIV in a patient’s blood when used with other medicines.

22 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article


Practice update: Being vigilant for hypoglycaemia

The more hypoglycaemic episodes a person experiences, the worse their impaired awareness becomes – so how can pharmacists help to break this cycle?

03 Jul 2024 , 5 Min Article


Clinical review: A giant leap for migraine?

A spate of recent studies suggests that researchers are making giant leaps in their understanding of migraine and the development of new therapeutic opportunities. This feature considers some of the main findings. By Mark Greener.

12 Jun 2024 , 10 Min Article


Learning update: Travel health

It’s not just travellers who are on the move. The changing patterns of infectious disease in Europe and beyond underline the importance of the public seeking up-to-date and reliable pre-departure health advice from pharmacies.

04 Jun 2024 , 6 Min Article


Clinical review: Insomnia – beyond the Z drugs

There is a clear need for new treatments for insomnia but the current market is crowded with inexpensive drugs, which makes it difficult for new therapies to enter. Could CBD be the exception? By Mark Greener

28 May 2024 , 5 Min Article


Everyday scenario: Dealing with elbow pain

Andrew Cotton, a man in his mid-40s, asks for a “good painkiller” to ease the pain he has been experiencing in his elbow for a number of weeks. He says it seems to be getting worse. He has been taking paracetamol on a regular basis and has no other conditions. What do you advise?

13 May 2024 , 5 Min Article


Learning update: Focus on wound care

This concise learning update will help pharmacy teams to manage wounds and select appropriate plasters, dressings and topical applications with confidence to minimise scarring.

07 May 2024 , 4 Min Article


Pharmacy First: Uncomplicated urinary tract infection

Welcome to our CPD module series for community pharmacy technicians. Written in conjunction with the Pharmacy Magazine CPD series, it will mirror the magazine’s programme throughout the year. The series has been designed for you to use as part of your continuing professional development. Reflective exercises have been included to help you put your learning into practice.

24 Apr 2024 , 10 Min Module


Everyday scenario: Sudden chest pain

Larry Cooper calls the pharmacy wanting advice. He has tried to contact his GP surgery but could not get through. He has been getting chest pain and feels nauseous. He says his symptoms have been present for about 20 to 30 minutes and have eased a little but are still bothersome. What should you do next?

23 Apr 2024 , 5 Min Article


Clinical briefing: Dementia – lessons from history

Dementia researchers image brains, search for biomarkers and scan genomes. Perhaps they also need to look beyond high-tech and into the past...

22 Apr 2024 , 5 Min Article


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Muscle & joint pain

Muscles and joints allow us the freedom of movement, flexibility and mobility. From time to time, however, they may become strained or injured for various reasons. This module looks at how you can advise customers with OTC treatments and self care.

18 Jul 2024 , 15 Min Module


Feet first

Feet often get neglected until the sun comes out, but pharmacy teams can convince customers that a good footcare routine is important all year round.

18 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article



Recommending a paracetamol or ibuprofen for someone with a headache is often the right solution, but pharmacy teams should be aware of the different types of headaches customers may be suffering from.

18 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article


In a blink!

There are a couple of problems that may pose a threat to eye health and sight, but many of them can be treated in the pharmacy.

18 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article

OTC Category Reviews

Vaginal health screening tampon available at

Diagnostic device collects more vaginal fluid than a standard swab improving reliability and comfort.

23 Apr 2024 , 2 Min Article


Play it by ear

Many of us take for granted the ability to hear, and it is only when this sense is affected that we realise just how much of our daily lives depend on our ear health.

19 Jun 2024 , 5 Min Article


First things first

It is important for pharmacy teams to be able to help or impart useful knowledge when it comes to common first aid concerns.

19 Jun 2024 , 10 Min Article


Packed with advice

Whether customers are holidaying at home or abroad, pharmacy teams are on standby to give self care advice and OTC knowledge to help manage a whole range of summer ailments.

19 Jun 2024 , 1 Min Article



There are a variety of foot problems customers may experience, and many of them can be treated with help from the pharmacy and self care, often without the need for a doctor’s appointment.

19 Jun 2024 , 15 Min Module


A plateful

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions, and the first signs that someone may be suffering are often psychological and/or behavioural.

15 May 2024 , 1 Min Article