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NICE sets standards for meds management in social care settings


NICE sets standards for meds management in social care settings

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published a quality standard (QS 171) on medicines management for people receiving social care in the community, which covers assessing if people need help with their medicines and deciding what medicines support they need to manage their medicines.

The four quality statements are:

Statement 1. Adults having an assessment for social care in the community have their medicines support needs included in the assessment.

Statement 2. Adults receiving medicines support in the community from a social care provider have their general practice and supplying pharmacy informed that support has started.

Statement 3. Adults receiving medicines support in the community from a social care provider have a record of the medicines support that they need in their care plan.

Statement 4.  Adults receiving medicines support in the community from a social care provider are given information on how to raise any medicines-related problems.

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