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RSG on track for vote on new structures by Easter 2022


RSG on track for vote on new structures by Easter 2022

The Review Steering Group, the body overseeing the reconfiguration of pharmacy contractor representation in England, says it still plans to put proposals on new structures to contractors and hold a vote before Easter 2022.

However, the RSG says getting the national representative structure right, and its links with local representation, is taking longer than initially hoped. Further conversations with the wider sector and with PSNC are planned early in the New Year through a series of engagement events in January.

“Our objective throughout this exercise has been to get to a place where all contractors will know what to expect from their representatives, how they will get stronger representation, and better and more consistent support, and more cohesive leadership that gives a stronger and more unified voice to government,” said Mark Burdon, an independent contractor member of the RSG.

The RSG is planning three engagement events in January 2022 when attendees will be updated about the group's work, the draft proposals for change and what these mean for contractors, and the next stages of the process. The events will be on 26 January at 7pm, 27 January at 1pm, and 28 January at 11am. Contractors can register to attend on the RSG website.


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