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KY Jelly rebrand ‘an opportunity for independent pharmacies’


KY Jelly rebrand ‘an opportunity for independent pharmacies’

Personal lubricant brand KY Jelly is changing its name to Kynect as part of a phased rebrand, with UK licence owner Thornton & Ross telling Pharmacy Magazine independent pharmacies will be well placed to support customers.

Speaking exclusively to Pharmacy Magazine, Thornton & Ross head of insight and innovation Jo Marshall said the staged launch – “our first rebrand in a long time” – sought to target core audience groups identified through market research involving 1,600 category users.

These include busy parents who feel they have less time in their lives for sex and intimacy, and people in middle age and older who may be beginning new relationships. 

“Other brands go for a much more energetic, hedonistic audience – we’re reaching people who may be looking for something a bit more grown up. These groups fit really well with community pharmacy, which is a key target for us.

“We’ve always been supporters of independent pharmacies. That’s where people might go for a bit of advice if they need it, but it’s also a more personal service.

“We’re happy to do anything we can to make our pharmacy partners’ lives easier and make products easier to sell.” 

New packaging with the existing name alongside the ‘introducing Kynect’ message is launching this week, with consumer marketing set to kick off in the new year.

Thornton & Ross executive vice president Roger Scarlett-Smith commented: “KY Jelly has built up a highly loyal customer base going back several generations.

“By rebranding to Kynect, we will create a new and distinct brand positioning… reinforcing our position with loyal customers as well as attracting and engaging a new base.”

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