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SSP payments added to Schedule of Payments


SSP payments added to Schedule of Payments

The FP34 schedule of payments, which sets out their monthly NHS payments for pharmacy contractors in England, is being updated to reflect payments made under the new Community Pharmacy Contract Framework and the recently introduced SSP protocols.

The payments set out below will appear under ‘Details of other amounts authorised’:

Payment type Payment date Payment amount How will payment appear under ‘Details of other amounts authorised’
Aspiration payment 29th November 2019 Dependent on points claimed 2018/19 QPS claim period Pharmacy Quality Scheme
Establishment payment 31 December 2019 Dependent on number of items dispensed monthly Establishment payment
Transitional Payments 31 December 2019 Dependent on number of items dispensed monthly Transitional payment
Supplement to transitional payment (CPCS sign-up fee) 1. 31 December 2019
2. 31 January 2020
3. 28 February 2020
1. £900
2. £900
3. £600
CPCS Sign-up Fee
CPCS payment First CPCS payment claimed in October or November 2019 will show on January 2020 SoP £14

CPCS Remuneration payment

CPCS Reimbursement Payment

SSP payments 31 December 2019 £5.35 per SSP claim

SSP Remuneration (SSP fees)

SSP Reimbursement (VAT element only)


The Px report, which can be downloaded from the NHS BSA website, provides information on each item dispensed, has also been amended to include SSP payments – a further two columns have been added to the spreadsheet.

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