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Warner visits Bedminster pharmacy


Warner visits Bedminster pharmacy

England’s deputy chief pharmaceutical officer, Bruce Warner, yesterday paid a visit to award-winning Bedminster Pharmacy in Bristol – and liked what he saw.

Ade Williams, superintendent pharmacist, told Pharmacy Magazine: “He was genuinely empathetic and spent about three hours talking to everyone in the team including our LPC chair Lisa Fisher in a very candid and thoughtful manner.

“We as pharmacy professionals continue – rightly – to demand more from our leadership. He clearly understands and accepts this. Integration fund money, when fully released, can be a vehicle to address some longstanding training funding needs which will help foster integration. 

“He came across as very knowledgeable and understanding of the sector but I’m worried if he and [his] team are allowed to sufficiently influence the direction of policy as relates to community pharmacy.”

Dr Warner commented: “It was a pleasure visiting Bedminster Pharmacy in Bristol. It is important to hear first-hand how the challenges facing the sector are impacting on practices. 

“It was also useful to discuss the significant progress being made on the pharmacy integration agenda, where NHS England is investing in a range of schemes to ensure pharmacists and [pharmacy] technicians can work across wider primary care settings and relieve the pressures on GP practices and hospital admissions.”

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